Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 6- Thursday

Today we woke up at 6:00am, even though originally we were going to wake up at 4:00am to see Sister Santa Rosa speak in person (she is like the Mother Theresa of Honduras). We didn't go see her because the kitchen staff would of had get to Rapaco at 1:00am to make our breakfast and lunch, and we didn't want them to have to do that. We had watermelon, omelettes, and cheese for breakfast. I woke up feeling terrible and ended up being sick for the rest of the day. The brigade was about 1 1/2 hours away, even though originally we thought it was 3 hours away. Since I was feeling sick it was a great surprise to not have to be in the van for 3 hours. When we got to the brigade I saw the doctor the medical staff brings with them. He told me it sounded like I had food poisoning so he gave me some medicine to take. I felt a little better, but I had continuous stomach pains for the rest of the day/night. I was supposed to do extractions and cleaning this day, but since I wasn't feeling well I just did data and post op for the day. I had PB&J for lunch. We had to be very careful with what we touched and wearing our masks and gloves even when we weren't working with a patient because this community had lepercy and scabies.. very scary! While I was working at the desk by the door I made friends with some of the children who were so precious! I was being a pushover and the kids kept asking for toothbrushes so I gave them a lot even though I wasn't supposed to do that lol. We left the community around 3:30pm and did our typical stop at the gas station. I got back to Rapaco and read on a hammock for a little while. Dinner at 6:30pm was steak, pineapple, rice, and tortilla. After dinner we had a meeting and unpacked the bags because we were done with brigades. At the meeting we all reflected on our experience and it was really sad to realize we were leaving Honduras and all of the wonderful people we met and helped. We then all packed our bags so we wouldn't forget anything. There was a fiesta for the last night that I had to miss because I was still feeling bad so I went to bed around 10:30pm even with the blaring loud music and people yelling.. I was very tired.

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